Being busy is a badge of honor. Have you noticed that?

If we are busy we can scurry away from things that we don't want to face. If I am "busy" I have a reason not to confront that hard issue with a trusted friend. If I am busy I don't have to make time in my life for a new friendship. If I am busy I don't have to slow down enough to face the hard truth that I define myself by how much I accomplish.

I often just don't feel "right unless" I have a list of things to do...whether I am doing them or not.

What is also true about my busy-ness is that I use up too much adrenaline in pursuing some sort of work and rarely let my body rest. That striving after accomplishment is a tyrant we welcome to rule our souls.

Jesus invites us to rest from our work. He invites us to listen to him and find restoration in our weariness. He invites us to his table to meet with him, eat with him, laugh with him, and find that our soul is recreated in the process.

Sunday evening we will meet together to take a break from the busy-ness of all of our business. We will share his meal (Communion, the Lord's Supper) together while we recreate, rest, and remember.

Join us, not as something to add to your busy schedule, but as a time where we allow Jesus to do what he promised he would do in the midst of our work: he will give us his rest. (see Matthew 11:28-30)